
Students in Crisis

Students in Crisis

We're Here to Help

Student Affairs is committed to nurturing, protecting and providing for its students.

How do I report a crime?

Contact UC Police Department

What if I'm being sexually harassed?

Contact the Title IX/Sexual Harassment Office

What if I have been sexually assaulted?

Contact a CARE advocate

What if I'm depressed or have thoughts about suicide?

Contact CAPS

What if I am overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?

Contact SACM

Where can I get help for alcohol or drug abuse?

Consult The Well's Alcohol/Drug Abuse Crisis Tips

What mental health services does my UCR insurance cover?

Contact Student Health Services

How am I doing emotionally?

Visit CAPS' Online Self-Assessment Library

How can I help a friend in crisis?

View CAPS' Tips on Helping a Friend in Crisis

How should I report a non-academic problem with another student on campus?

Contact SCAIP

How do I report a problem with a roommate or neighbor?

Fill out the Dean of Students' Good Neighbor Form

What qualifies as hazing and how can I report it?

Consult SCAIP's Hazing Information